Desktop website UI mockup for the Sidmool project.


Introducing the new and improved Sidmool platform, featuring a clean and streamlined design that allows users to find the perfect products for their needs from among hundreds of options.

12 weeks
User Research
UX Design
UI Design
Design Systems
Project Management
Lisa Lee
Kana Yamasaki
This project starts with this thought

“There is a lot of potential to make Sidmool successful by implementing strong visual and user interfaces.”


When I came across Sidmool, I noticed that the brand has maintained its presence in the competitive K-beauty market despite an outdated website and a subpar user interface. This led me to wonder if current or potential users experienced similar issues and if there were avenues for me to improve their experience and support the brand's enduring success.


A cluttered and unsophisticated website interface make users frustrated and disinterested in the products.


Sidmool is a well-known and reputable clean cosmetic brand in Korea. However, its outdated product design and problematic user interface have been a source of complaints from customers for years. This lack of accessibility could result in the company losing potential new customers, while also making it difficult for loyal customers to find and try new products, which could lead to long-term revenue losses.

Problem Statement

“Users need a sophisticated and user-friendly online platform to browse and purchase products.”

Animated GIF featuring the design of a new platform for Sidmool, highlighting its organization and simplicity

Organized & Simplified Platform

With the aim of enhancing user navigation and facilitating efficient information retrieval, the implementation of tabs, charts, filters, and clearer naming has been executed.

Animated GIF showcasing beauty profile builder feature for the Sidmool project.

Beauty Profile Builder

Given that 61.9% of survey participants desire product recommendations aligned with their skin type and texture preferences, the beauty profile builder fulfills this need effectively.

Animated GIF showcasing customized search functions and a community feature for accessing insights from other users

Tailored Search & Community Insights

Users can enjoy a personalized filter upon creating their beauty profile. This filter streamlines product searches by excluding unsuitable options, simplifying the process and saving time. The community page allows users to share recommendations and concerns, leading to insightful discussions and enhanced product exploration.

Before & After
Market Research

22% Brand Recognition to Purchase Rate Ratio

Bidirectional arrow icon

5% Purchase Rate out of major brands


Sidmool has a high purchase rate compared to brand recognition, accounting for an average of 22% in four key skincare categories among large cosmetics brands (Open Survey Beauty Category report). However, a survey on the purchase experience of major cleanser brands (excluding department stores) in the past year shows that Sidmool only accounts for 5.3% of purchases, indicating a low first-purchase rate. By increasing brand recognition and first-purchase rate, Sidmool has the potential to become a large brand and significantly boost its purchase rate and sales among main customers.

User Research
Online research
Affinity diagram
User survey
Competitive analysis
User journey mapping

1. Online Research

Online research was conducted on several platforms to perform a comprehensive analysis of Sidmool's online presence and to gather insights into user experience. These platforms included the official Sidmool website, external community blogs about Sidmool, Naver (a leading Korean search engine), and major social media platforms.

2. Affinity Diagram

Based on the findings of online research, an affinity diagram was created with three main categories: online platforms, package design, and the product itself. Within each category, three subcategories were established based on design, social aspects, and functional aspects.

Affinity map for the Sidmool project.

Brand Challenges Extend Beyond the User Interface

The brand faces several critical issues:

  • Cluttered and repetitive information on digital platforms
  • Outdated designs of online platforms and package designs
  • Overwhelming variety of products, making them difficult to navigate
  • Confusing product and product line names
  • Customer discomfort and concerns stemming from a lack of offline stores

Focusing on Digital Platform Enhancements

Although we have identified customer pain points in the overall user experience in branding, packaging design, and digital platforms, we have decided to prioritize improvements to the digital platforms, as they are crucial and serve as the primary route for user purchases.

3. User Survey

An online survey was conducted to gather information on user experiences and common frustrations, both for new and established users. The survey received responses from 30 participants.


This survey targeted people who have purchased a Sidmool product at least once and have signed up for the Sidmool community website.

  • Discover the main demographic of Sidmool product users and their reasons for using the products.
  • Identify existing competitors (online and on-site natural cosmetic brands) that users use.
  • Evaluate users' perceptions of the current online platform's interface.
  • Examine the frequent frustrations that make users hard to reach Call-to-action.
  • Determine the current platform's strengths and potential for improvement.
  • Identify which the best platform is to increase the recognition of the brand and sales.


purchase through official online platforms


find Sidmool website inconvenient


think there are too many products to navigate efficiently


repurchased based on reviews and recommendations
Research Insights & Opportunities

Too Many Products


Users are confused by the overwhelming number of products offered, which are presented in a disorganized manner. Confusing naming and products with similar key ingredients add to their frustrations.


Facilitating user access to relevant products and helping them find what they need can reduce the frustration of navigating a large product selection.


Cluttered Information


The main page has too many tabs, bars, and banners, with repeated information and inconsistent typographic hierarchy that creates chaos for users.


Simplifying and organizing information can help users quickly and easily access the information they need.


Outdated Design


The outdated and inconsistent package design, as well as the use of old UI design from the 2000s on their digital platforms, appears less professional and undermines trust in their products.


Creating an aesthetically pleasing digital platform can attract new customers and retain the attention of existing customers, encouraging them to discover more products.

Target Users

The target users are women aged 18-40 who prioritize clean, high-quality, effective, and affordable cosmetics. They value ingredient transparency and seek a convenient browsing experience with personalized recommendations.

How Might We Questions


How might we help users to search products more conveniently?


How might we empower users to make informed decisions and reduce the risk of wasting time and money on products that do not meet their needs?


How might we increase revenue by retaining loyal customers and attracting new customers to the Sidmool platform?


How might we modernize the design of the Sidmool platform and make it more appealing and user-friendly to users?

User Testing

Unmoderated user testing was conducted involving 9 participants. The testing unveiled critical areas for improvement throughout the platform. The key findings are as follows:

Visual Enhancements

  • Need for minor adjustments in text legibility for varied device compatibility.
  • Shift in image selection to create a brighter ambiance.

Navigation and Usability

  • Refinement of navigation terminology for clearer directions.
  • Emphasis on improving speed of accessing information.
  • Strong request for more granular product categorization.
  • Guidance on unfamiliar terms.
  • Features enabling quick browsing and repurchasing of frequently bought items.

Personalization and User Experience

  • Desire for more personalized features in the profile builder.
  • Value of insights supporting tailored searches based on user preferences.

Iterations were conducted based on user testing feedback and insights from three UX designers. The final iteration incorporated an updated and more structured design system, complete with a reusable component library. Color compliance with WCAG standards was ensured, and features were added or modified based on user testing to better address user pain points.

Iteration Version 1
Screenshot of Sidmool Iteration Version 1, showing design updates and enhancements following user testing feedback.
Iteration Version 2
Screenshot of Sidmool's final iteration version, highlighting design updates and enhancements made in response to user testing feedback.

What I learned

Creating and Managing a Design System
  • Grasped the fundamentals of design tokens and systems; constructed a system tailored for various devices and languages.
  • Learned to create adaptable design components.
  • Mentored a teammate in leveraging the design system efficiently and non-destructively in the Figma library.
Designing Responsive Layouts for Different Devices
  • Designing responsive layouts for different devices.
Effective UX Research Methods
  • Learned to choose effective UX research methods tailored to the project's needs by exploring various methods.
Leadership and Team Management
  • Led a team by planning, communicating, and offering technical assistance to colleagues.
  • Enhanced collaborative skills to operate seamlessly within a team.
Customer-centric Communication and Testing
  • Learned to create more comprehensive, customer-centric designs through multiple iterations based on research and user testing.

Areas for Improvement or Future Considerations

  • Develop a mobile prototype in Korean, as nearly half of the users prefer mobile devices for their purchases, and conduct mobile user testing.
  • Extend the scope of this project to enhance branding, including product and product line naming conventions, as well as packaging design, in response to identified areas needing brand improvement.
  • Enhance time management and operational efficiency to achieve more progress at a faster pace.