Mobile app UI mockup for the Knotti project


Knotti is a mental wellness app that harnesses the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to improve users' emotional intelligence and communication abilities, ultimately fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

12 weeks
User Research
UX Design
UI Design
Design Systems
Project Management
Self-directed Project
This project starts with this thought

“Why do relationships often encounter difficulties and struggles?”


After facing challenges in my relationships—romantic, familial, or professional—I've often felt the stress of managing daily interactions as an introvert. Noticing that people around me have similar concerns has led me to ponder how to navigate these difficulties wisely.


Many people struggle in their relationships due to a lack of emotional intelligence.


As today’s society is becoming more individualistic and there are fewer opportunities for social interactions, a problem arises, which is many people struggle in their relationships due to a lack of emotional intelligence.

Problem Statement

“Users need an accessible platforms that offer privacy and an environment free from judgment, impacting their ability to maintain healthy relationships.

Images showcasing highlighted steps of the onboarding process.


Users can create profiles tailored to their needs and preferences for both app content and the personality of the AI bot, Knotti.

Images showcasing highlighted features of the Dashboard feature.


Our user-friendly dashboard features seamless check-ins, insightful analysis, tailored resources, and progress tracking for data-driven success.

Images showcasing highlighted features of the Chats feature.


Users can engage in text-based or voice chat. During the conversation, Knotti suggests role-play sessions or offers helpful in-app resources tailored to the user's situation.

Images showcasing highlighted features of the Role-play feature.


Users can create custom role-play scenarios or utilize curated scenarios based on their chats to practice conversations and enhance communication skills.

Images showcasing highlighted features of the Self-care feature.


Self-care feature provides a diverse range of helpful resources designed to enhance emotional intelligence, such as courses, podcasts, exercises, and articles.

Market Research

The in-depth market analysis on Artificial Intelligence by Statista highlights the growing importance of artificial emotional intelligence, with a significant shift towards AI systems adept at understanding and reacting to human emotions. Additionally, AI chatbot market is expected to grow immensely, reaching over $1 billion by 2025.

Infographic illustrating global revenues from the natural language processing (NLP) market.
User Research
User survey
Competitive analysis

1. User Survey

I conducted a survey involving 38 participants to understand their experiences with relationship stress, their coping strategies, and potential opportunities for my app.



experience a moderate to high level of stress


attribute over half of their stress to relationship issues


talk to friends and family to manage relationship stress


feel comfortable discussing personal issues with generative AI

2. Competitive Analysis

AI wellness apps lack proactively offer personalized guidance and resources


I evaluated nine competitors, including Alan Mind, Headspace, RolePlai, Wysa, Pi, and Chat GPT, and found that they do not proactively offer personalized guidance and resources tailored to users' emotions and conversations.

Research Insights

Accessible and Affordable Mental Wellness


People are seeking alternatives to traditional therapy that fit seamlessly into their busy lives without incurring high costs and demanding significant time commitments—students are particularly in need of such options.


By offering a free app with optional affordable subscriptions, users can access help 24/7, ensuring support is available without financial strain.


Robust Privacy Features


Users prioritize robust privacy features, voicing confidentiality concerns when dealing with personal and emotional issues on digital platforms.


In addition to strict data encryption and comprehensive privacy policies, it's crucial to incorporate features that give users control over their privacy, such as the ability to delete conversations.


Judgement-free Safe Zone


Although friends and family are traditional sources of support, many hesitate to reach out due to fears of judgment, privacy concerns, or a reluctance to impose.


Providing a personalized and secure environment allows users to openly discuss their concerns in a human-like interaction with Knotti, fostering deeper connections without the fear of judgment.

Target Users

The target users for this product are late teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16 and 34, who are navigating the complexities of various relationships, especially in new or unfamiliar social environments.

Image featuring the target audience along with their quotes.
How Might We Questions


How might we empower users to enhance their emotional intelligence for more fulfilling relationships?


How might we provide support for relationship stress more accessible, approachable, and engaging for them?
Wireframes created for the Knotti app project.
High-fidelity Prototype

The live Figma prototype is available exclusively on the desktop site.

Design System
Design system for the Knotti mobile app project.
User Testing & Iterations

Two rounds of user testing involving six participants were conducted following the wireframing and prototyping phases. Additionally, three feedback sessions with six industry experts were held, leading to three significant design improvements.

Tailoring for Broader Inclusivity

  • Included multimedia content such as shorts and podcasts tailored for younger audiences.
  • Incorporated brand colors more prominently into the design for a vibrant and dynamic vibe.
Image illustrating the iteration process in tailoring for broader inclusivity.

Improving Navigation

  • Replaced traditional buttons with filter tags for a more streamlined screen flow.
  • Introduced a quick-access button to resume unfinished content for users.
  • Repositioned the 'New Chat' button within the bottom navigation to maintain unobstructed access to on-screen content.
Image illustrating the iteration process in improving navigation.

Enhancing Clarity

  • Implemented brand colors to define a visual hierarchy for buttons.
  • Replaced unclear icons with more universally recognized ones.
Image depicting the iterative process of enhancing clarity.
Walkthrough Video

What I learned

  • Recognized the value of early user testing in the design process, specifically conducting tests immediately after creating wireframes.
  • Gained insight into the importance of understanding the trends and lifestyles of target users for inclusive design.
  • Streamlined time and task management by utilizing stock illustrations and resources aligned with the visual direction.
  • Captured the warmth and authenticity of human interactions, while AI technology can sometimes come across as impersonal.

Areas for Improvement or Future Considerations

  • Integrate AI into a high-fidelity prototype to improve live interactions.
  • Gather data to evaluate how effectively Knotti enhances emotional intelligence.